The Spaces Between Your Fingers

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To Ms. X,

I would like to begin with thanking you for allowing me into your life with the telling of your story. I have been assigned a project in my English class called the memory writing project, at Temple University. 

I would like to permanently archive the story that you have given me for future generations.

The Memory Postcard I write with your permission will be archived in the Spaces Between your FIngers Online Memory Library, a Philly nonprofit that helps people with Alzheimer’s pass on their memories.

By signing I agree that the spaces between my fingers may use my name, likeness, photograph, and story in the connection with the exhibition, reproduction, distribution, publication, public performance, public display, broadcast, and promotion of SBYF, without further approval on my part.

Ms. X

I do not wish to have my memory archived.

Signed: X

October 18, 2019

Creative Acts I

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