The Spaces Between Your Fingers

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Morgane is someone who has had a lot different experiences throughout life, and that includes being considered kidnapped at one point of her life, even though really she was traveling to a different country. When Morgane was young, she was taken on a spontaneous trip to France that no one knew about besides her mother, her grandmother, and possibly her dog.

Finally, she’s here!

As fast as my tiny legs could take me, I sprinted towards the tiny packed car and took my place in the co-pilot seat.

“Mom, why is the dog in the car?”

“Well, honey she’s flying out to France to stay with her Grandmother.”

With that I nodded my head and buckled my safety belt, and prepared myself for our journey. Strangely enough I wasn’t even jealous that my pup was going on this fantastic voyage, in fact I was quite happy for him.  The poor pup had never been able to travel far and on top of that Grandma always seemed to love dogs, so it was a win-win situation for everyone.

I drifted out the window car imagining my pup enjoying various varieties of caviar; and then car broke into an abrupt stop.

“So are you.”

A Last Minute Trip

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Morgane is someone who has had a lot different experiences throughout life, and that includes being considered kidnapped at one point of her life, even though really she was traveling to a different country. When Morgane was young, she was taken on a spontaneous trip to France that no one knew about besides her mother, her grandmother, and possibly her dog.

Recorded by Benjamin Anderson on July 17, 2014
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